on February 11, 2016in About Dr. Mosestags: acceptance, adi da, adidam, christian, Dr. Moses, spiritual growth, Spirituality, tolerance
I get asked all the time, “Dr. Moses, are you a Christian or not?”
I’d like to address this for you.
I have studied (and continue to study) a variety of religious traditions. I have seen that there is much wisdom and truth in most (if not all) of the religious traditions of mankind, and there is value in studying and learning from all of the great Realizers of the Great Tradition, from Krishna to Moses to Jesus to Da Love Ananda.
At the same time, I’ve spent most of my life studying Christianity, and so I do refer to the Bible and use Jesus’ teachings as a tool for explaining esoteric spiritual concepts.
After many years as a Catholic and “born again” Christian, I now have a deep and loving relationship with Jesus and Mary, that continues to deepen, along with a deep love for ALL of the great realizers that I study.
I currently practice as a devotee of my Beloved teacher, Adi Da Samraj. I was drawn to him through the book, “The Complete Yoga Of Emotional Sexual Life,” which absolutely transformed my emotional-sexual relationship with my wife, and which wisdom continues to work in me and others. Since then, he has overcome my heart, opening me to Spiritual Life, Divine Love, Truly Human Responsibility and Love-Bliss Fullness beyond that which I’ve ever imagined.
Some people will try to create division immediately. In my heart, there is no division and no problem.
In my heart, there is only Prior Unity and Love.
Imagine that Jesus, Mary, John the Baptist, Joshua, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, and Adi Da Love Ananda were all sitting in a room together. Imagine that you are with them, in the room. What would they do? Would they fight for your attention? No, they would not. They would each emanate peace and love, and would be happy that you followed one of them, changed your ways, turned your heart to love, and sacrificed yourself completely before God.
(The degree of your realization will be dependent on the degree of realization of your guru!)
But people think that the Great Realizers are like them: competitive and jealous.
They are competitive and jealous IN THAT they want you to be completely absorbed in devotional communion with them (with God) instead of letting your attention wander to the “lusts of the flesh,” or all of the things in “the world” that you seek, that you think will make you happy. THAT’S what they are “jealous” of. Not each other.
So don’t look for division or ways to argue about which God is right, and which prophet or Avatar is better than the other. That is just the ego wanting to be right, wanting to prove another wrong, and wanting to control everyone and God.
Instead, follow God in the way that you know how. Become a devotee of God. Read, pray, meditate, learn, love and forgive others. And choose God first, constantly, above the constant distractions of “the world.”
Call me what you want. Either way, it’s not going to be what you think! But all of that is just ego activity, names of things, boxes, limitations. Don’t worry about what I am. And don’t force me to worry about it either! I am here to love you and help you, and I hope that you can accept the gifts that I offer.
With Great Love For You And For All,
With Unity & Oneness of Heart,
Dr. Moses.