on January 10, 2013in Meditation
This a simple but VERY effective method to relax the body and the mind.
Loosen your clothing and remove your shoes. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes (unless your driving!) Now focus on your breathing. Put one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Try to bring the air all the way down deep into the lungs so that only your belly is moving up and down. This is called “Belly Breathing.” It takes practice, but is easy to do if you are lying down.
Once you feel comfortable with breathing deeply and fully, you can practice holding your breath. Inhale deeply for 5 seconds, then hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale slowly for 5 seconds. FOCUS all your attention on your breathing. Repeat this three to five times. Adjust your breathing to your comfort level. If 5 seconds is too long, try 3 or 4 seconds at first. It will get easier with practice.
A great way to do breath meditation is TWICE A DAY – once in the morning, and once in the early afternoon. Each person is different; you can find out what works best for you!
Each session may last 2 to 3 minutes at first; work up to about 15 minutes at a time, twice a day.
Good times to do Breath Meditation are in the morning, on your lunch break, while driving, and before falling asleep at night; or anytime of the day!