on January 9, 2013in Dis-eases
This information is a raw extraction of the Cayce readings on ecczema and dermatitis for infants and toddlers.
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General Guidelines
- If breastfeeding, mom’s diet should be high in Calcium and low in fatty proteins like ground beef. NO anger! It may also improve if mom stops breastfeeding or tries different formulas, but I would try the steps below before trying any of the milk changes.
- Baby’s diet: OJ with lemon, crisp bacon with lightly poached egg yellow, poached egg yellow, use your own judgment, carnation milk, reinforced dry and cooked cereals, steel cut oats/oatmeal, wheat, broiled/boiled fish, salt better than fresh water fish, lots and lots of citrus and veggie juices (as much as the body will take), ice cream, poached egg yolk, potato peels, honey with the comb, celery and lettuce, spinach, carrots, (or their fresh juices).
- Water to drink: boil it, and 1 tsp corn meal, let boil, then set off, settle, strain with a cloth.
- No bananas; no raw tomatoes, not too much starches, no nursing, no raw apples.
- Keep the body cool. Plenty of sunshine!
- Coco butter massage of the spine.
- Peanut oil rubs along the spine to increase appetite, growth, and activities of the body.
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, done by a Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) (What is a D.O.) or done by a gentle chiropractor, focusing on the thoracic spine and maybe the lumbar spine depending on the lesions present by physical examination.
Why do spinal massage or manipulation?? As seen on my General Health page:
Osteopathic or Chiropractic manipulation, once per week for at least 4-6 sessions, then once per month for maintenance. After the first month, further therapy should be guided by the results obtained, as judged by the therapist. A massage may be preferable if manipulation is not available. Or you can even use an electrical vibrating massager all along the spine on both sides, from the base of the occiput all the way down to the coccyx. These physical treatments will optimize the arterial, venous, lymphatic, immune, and nervous circulation to the entire body.
- Fletcher’s Castoria: 1-10 drops per 10 pounds, per hour, divided hourly or every 30 minutes, until there are good eliminations. I currently use Senna Liquid, available in my office (and soon on the website). This is a gentle senna based laxative that helps the baby to eliminate toxins throughout the system, especially the colon and liver. By not eliminating these toxins, they are expressed through the skin, and this causes the dermatitis Yellow Saffron Tea eruption.
This can be ordered online here or you can you ask your local pharmacy to order some for you. Do NOT give them so much of it as to cause diarrhea. This will be extremely helpful if your baby has COLIC, also, along with the Yellow Saffron Tea below. - Yellow Saffron also called American Saffron and Safflower
You will likely only find this product online here, or in our office. It comes in a 4 oz size. - Yellow Saffron tea heals the digestive tract (including leaky gut syndrome), assists in digestion (assimilation) of foods, and boosts immune function. I highly recommend that it be drank by anyone until you are super healthy. It is the BEST tea that I know of for healing the digestive tract.
- Yellow Saffron
- Atomidine (Atomic Iodine) – Recommend to be done only with the supervision of your physician. 1 drop daily for 4 days, then off for 8 days, then repeat once. Be aware that this may worsten the ecczema at first. You can repeat this cycle every 6-10 weeks. Click here for more information about Atomidine (Atomic Iodine) and for links for purchase.
- Lime water – 1 drop per pound per feeding for a calcium supplement; you can add this to the milk.
- Olive Bar Soap is a gently soap that will not dry out your baby’s skin.
– Adult dose: The dosage for adults is as follows: Pour one cup of boiling water over a pinch of the Yellow Saffron tea leaves. Let this steep for at least 20 minutes, then strain. You may drink about one ounce, or 2 tablespoons, up to 1 cup, before meals and before bed, daily. Make it fresh at least every two days. You can change the strength and the amount of the tea to your own preference.
– Pediatric dose, 6 months old up to 12 years old: Put a pinch of tea in a Pint of boiling water. Let steep for 20 minutes to 1 hr. Give 1 teaspoon before or inbetween meals, three times a day, over 2-3 days, for babies. For toddlers and older kids, you can give a little bit more, say 1 tablespoon four times per day, again before or between meals, and also before bed. For older kids, you can also give half of a cup once or twice a day. Be sure to make it fresh every 2 days.
It should be taken BEFORE meals, not after, and may be taken before bed, also. Refrigerate any left over for the next day, but finish it (if there is any left at the end of the second day.) There is no caffeine in Yellow Saffron Tea.
Do the Yellow Saffron tea for 10 days straight, then take 4 days off. Repeat indefinitely, or switch to a different tea.