How to Treat Constipation Naturally
The eliminatory organs are:
- Liver and intestines
- Kidneys
- Lungs
- Skin
When the liver and intestines are overworked by the poisons which we eat every day, like refined flour, fried foods, and ground beef, then the elimination system gets backed up, and disease gets ready to enter the body. Every day, you should have at least one very good bowel movement, with complete emptying of the lower colon (called the sigmoid). The bowel movement should be large and soft. You should never have to strain while having a bowel movement. The best time to have a bowel movement is after breakfast, and after meals in general.
Dietary changes that can assist in having excellent bowel movements include:
6-8 glasses of water per day
Fruits and Vegetables, both raw and cooked
All types of Beans
Dried or fresh figs
Prunes or prune juice
Raisins, Purple/Concord Grapes, Purple Grape Juice
Remember that regular EXERCISE makes a huge difference.
If not enough, then non-habit forming options include:
Any over the counter bulk forming fiber product like Wheat Bran, Fiber-con, Citrucel, or Metamucil. Be sure and drink plenty of water with these, as not enough water can cause worse constipation!
My personal favorite laxative is not really a laxative. It’s called Miralax.
It is extremely safe, is NOT a stimulant laxative, is NOT habit-forming, and has virtually no side-effects. The only possible side effect is taking too much which can cause watery stools. But under normal circumstances, and with the guidance of your doctor, it is THE BEST. I use it for my whole family.
Osmotic laxatives like Milk of Magnesia.
The occasional use of a laxative is very reasonable. Ask your doctor which one is appropriate, and remember, do not use a stimulant laxative more often than once a week unless recommended by your doctor.
In severe situations, colon hydrotherapy or high enemas may be necessary to clean out the colon and remove the waste products that cling to the intestinal walls causing many chronic and debilitating conditions, as the poisons from the waste products are continuously absorbed into the system. Consult with your doctor before attempting cleansing; but unfortunately most doctors are not familiar with colonics and are usually against their use.