The Radiac is an appliance that was fully invented by the late Edgar Cayce. He channeled the exact instructions of how to build it while in his “sleeping state”, or a deep state of meditation. Knowing about the history of Edgar Cayce and how he himself had NO MEDICAL KNOWLEGE makes the evidence for the Radiac even more compelling. To learn more about Edgar Cayce, click here.
The Radiac has a few names that have been used since its design. It has been called:
- The Radiac.
- The Battery.-It has a tiny electrical charge.
- The Dry Cell-As opposed to the “Wet Cell,” which is a different device channeled by Edgar Cayce.
- The Low-Impedance Device-Because of its electrical properties.
- The Radio-Active Appliance.-It is not radioactive at all!
- The Radial Appliance.
Benefits of use:
The benefits of using the Radiac are too many to be counted, and to be honest, are indescribable. I have been using my Radiac for over 10 years now, and the benefits I have experienced are many and varied. I will try to describe its effects, but please remember that you must EXPERIENCE IT for yourself to really know how amazing this will be for you in every way.
My personal experiences include:
- Meditation Effects
- It deepens my meditation. (If you use it in combination with my Total Body Healing Meditation audio mp3, you will experience a deep, powerful, and intense healing experience. It is an unparalleled mind body healing combination, I promise you!)
- When I have the Radiac hooked up to me, I go into meditation within one to two minutes, with ease.
- While using the Radiac, it is much easier to clear my mind as I start my meditation.
- While meditating, my meditation is much deeper.
- While using the Radiac, my meditation is more intense- there is a stronger sense of awareness of God/Love in my entire BEING: Body, Mind, and Spirit- I can actually feel the deep Comfort and Peace of God in my physical body while meditating.
- After meditation with the Radiac, I wake up feeling like I just took a 2 hour nap (even if the meditation was only 30 minutes!) My body feels fully rested and rejuvenated.
- After meditation with the Radiac, I feel extremely relaxed, calm, and serene. The sense of Joy and Peace is so strong that I need to slowly come back to reality!
- After about 15 to 30 minutes, I experience a huge surge of energy (if it is daytime), and I am ready to face the challenges of the world with Confidence, Faith, and Peace.
- Sleep Effects:I believe that the Radiac will cure insomnia in most people. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I know that uses the Radiac, including ALL of my patients who use it, report a dramatic improvement in their sleep.One of my patients suffered from insomnia for many years. He was unable to fall asleep and unable to stay asleep throughout the night. I told him about the Radiac over and over again for about a year until he finally bought one and started using it.The next week he came into the office calling me a miracle worker! (It wasn’t me, of course, it was the Radiac!) He said that as soon as he put it on and lay down, he was able to fall right to sleep! And then he slept all night, slept deeply, and woke up feeling more rejuvenated than ever before! He compared it to sleeping as a child or teenager, when it was so easy to sleep deeply and having a lot of energy was normal and natural! Later he would report to me that he was dreaming again and that he was remembering his dreams. He is not the only patient I have had with a similar story. God bless him!
- When I use the Radiac at night to help me fall asleep, I will fall asleep within ONE MINUTE. I am not exaggerating!
- When I use the Radiac AT ALL, whether for sleep or for meditation during the day:
- I sleep DEEPER; a very deep sleep, like a baby.
- My dreams become more vivid and clear, and I remember them clearly in the morning.
- My sleep is extremely restful, so I believe that I am spending more time in REM and in deep sleep states.
- I wake up in the morning on my own, feeling fully and completely rested and relaxed.
- When I wake up in the morning, my body feels fully rejuvenated, as if I was on vacation, sleeping as long as I want, and waking up mid-day without an alarm!
- Overall Effects:
When I use my Radiac consistently, I experience benefits Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.
When I use my Radiac, I do not experience any more Restless Legs!! This in itself is just an amazing effect of the Radiac that would save millions of people so much suffering and heartache. Restless Legs Syndrome, or RLS is a huge problem, and there is really no good treatment for it. The medications have a lot of side effects and do not always work effectively. Home remedies include drinking milk and eating a banana, or milk with honey, or taking mineral supplements.
If I start to get restless legs, I use my Radiac. The first time using it, my restless legs will improve by 50 – 100%. If it does not go away totally on the first day, then the second day of using the Radiac, it will be completely resolved. I have experienced this many times over. It is always just absolutely amazing and miraculous, every time!
- My physical body feels fully rested and rejuvenated constantly.
- I have more physical energy- my body listens to me better to move and walk and breathe!
- I have more motivation to exercise because my body feels like a motor with renewed built up energy, like I started up the engine on my new race car, and I’m full of gasoline, ready to go- EVERY MORNING!
- When I use my Radiac, I feel that my hormones are in a delicate, wonderful balance. This one is difficult to explain, but I will give you some examples:
My melatonin levels are higher because I am sleeping deeper.
My steroid and cortisol levels go down because my stress level approaches ZERO. (I am not exaggerating.) But when I need extra energy for something, my adrenal glands are so rested that they have no problem giving me the extra cortisol I need for that temporary energy boost! Like Nitro for my race car!
My thyroid level goes slightly up: I feel a sense of extra stored physical energy, I feel warmer while I am sleeping, and I do not get cold easily (I usually do get cold easily when I do not use my Radiac.) Also, believe it or not, my bowel movements improve!
My testosterone levels become more balanced: First of all, I am not easily aroused because I am deeply relaxed and more balanced mentally and spiritually. At the same time, when I do become aroused in the appropriate relationship with my wife, I am able to perform with strength of character- to say the least!
I believe that my Growth Hormone levels gently go up when I use the Radiac. This is because if my muscles are sore from exercise, they heal faster (the soreness disappears faster.) Also, I FEEL younger, my skin feels better. It is hard to explain; you have to experience it yourself!
I eat healthier because my body just feels BETTER, and combined with my extremely low stress level, I do not feel the need to eat so much, and stress eating is totally eliminated.
I feel my lymphatic circulation improve because I tend to resist infection and never get sick when I use my Radiac consistently. My Immune system becomes very strong (thank God.)
The bottom line is that my Physical Body feels COMPLETELY BALANCED when I use my Radiac.
- When I use the Radiac, I experience a variety of wonderful and beneficial effects mentally, or in my mind. These result in a perfectly balanced increase in certain neurotransmitters. Let me describe them for you one at a time:Dopamine: I feel an increase in Dopamine in my brain when I use my Radiac. Dopamine is a “neurotransmitter,” a chemical in the brain that affects different functions of our minds. When I use the battery consistently, I experience more motivation to do things- I desire to be more Loving to my wife, my children, and to others; I have an increased desire to spend quality time with my wife, and my sex drive with her increases and gets more intense; our sex life gets more satisfying in a mental-emotional way; I feel motivated to spend time having FUN with my children; I feel motivated to have FUN, overall, with myself- for example, going to a music show alone and enjoying it thoroughly; overall, I just have that mental energy and desire to DO, to CREATE, to LOVE, to EXERCISE, to MEDITATE, to LIVE![the opposite feeling here is called “anhedonia”. Anhedonia is one of the signs of Major Depression, or Major Depressive Disorder. It is characterized by NO DESIRE to do things which you once enjoyed doing. For example, if you used to enjoy a nice dinner out and dancing afterward, and now when your friends or your spouse asks, you feel like you would rather stay home alone, then you are experiencing anhedonia. If you feel that you may have signs of major depression or major depressive disorder, then please tell your doctor about it as soon as possible!]
[Another side note: An antidepressant that targets Dopamine in the brain is Wellbutrin (bupropion).] - Serotonin: Serotonin is another neurotransmitter, or brain chemical. You may have heard of many different medications that increase serotonin in the brain, like: Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Celexa (citalopram), and Lexapro (escitalopram). Serotonin gives us that feeling that everything is going to be OK, and sometimes helps with feeling Happy.When I use the Radiac, I feel an increase in Serotonin in my brain. This is because things do not bother me as much; I have this deeper sense of confidence, peace, and faith, that everything is going to be perfect. Nothing really bothers me much; it is very easy to take a deep breathe and accept things as they are, at any moment in time. I also feel happier, overall, with a constant sense of Joy and Peace. I even laugh more easily! I smile more often and feel more lighthearted.***Now it must be noted here that I use my battery for meditation; this is very important. You see, the Radiac, when being used, will intensify any feelings and thoughts that you are having at that time. so if you put on the Radiac and start thinking about all of the people that you abhor and hate, and how much revenge and retribution you want, and how much you would like to do this or that to them, then the Radiac will INTENSIFY those feelings!! It is not a “plug-and-play” device that automatically fills you with Love and Peace. YOU have to be the one to think of the positive feelings in your mind, and then the Radiac will make those thoughts BIGGER and STRONGER and they will become a reality, for YOU, in your mind, body, and Spirit. VERY IMPORTANT! That is why using soft music or a guided meditation is so helpful, especially when you are first learning meditation in the first few years. The music and guided meditation will keep your mind thinking about positive, Loving things, and these are the things that will become embedded in your physical body, your mind and emotions, and your soul and spirit.
- GABA: GABA, or Gamma-amino-butyric-acid, is a neurotransmitter in the brain that affects sleep and relaxation. When there is not enough GABA, this can result in anxiety. Anxiety medications such as Xanax (alprazolam), Ativan (lorazepam), Valium (diazepam), and Klonopin (clonazepam) all increase GABA in the brain thereby creating a sense of relaxation and getting rid of anxiety.
When I use my Radiac, I feel an increase in GABA in my brain because I rarely get anxious; overall it is much harder to get stressed or anxious. I sleep deeper, dream better, and I meditate deeper (as described in more detail above.) Overall, I am more relaxed and calm throughout the day.
Spiritual Effects:
Talking about the spiritual effects of The Radiac is a curious subject. It must be approached gently and carefully. You see, the spiritual effects of the battery are 100% dependant upon what YOU think about while wearing it! If you meditate upon earthly things, then the Radiac will intensify those emotions and you will become more earthly. If you attach the Radiac and meditate upon anger, resentment, gossip, judgements, lust, malice, and jealousy, then you will be building those emotions deeply into your psyche. IF THAT IS YOUR PLAN, THEN PLEASE DO NOT USE THE RADIAC!
On the other hand, if you use the Radiac, and while using it, meditate or think about the fruits of the Spirit, Love, Unity, Oneness, Brotherhood, Godliness, Goodness, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Peace, Compassion, and Faith, then those Spiritual things will become deeply embedded into your entire beingg, Body Physically, Mind Mentally, and Soul Spiritually. The effects of the Radiac are totally dependant upon your use of it. It does not have a mind of its own! It is a physical appliance! At the same time, it is extremely powerful in that it will intensify the emotions of your body, whether good or bad. Because of this, there is a RESPONSIBILITY associated with the Radiac; if you use it, you must use it for GOOD, and ONLY for good. Otherwise, as Edgar Cayce says, you use it “for your own undoing!”
In my own experience, I love to use my Radiac for meditation. Sometimes I will listen to soft, loving, positive music, like Pachelbel’s Canon in D, or Palestrina Masses, or the Monks of Santo Domingo. More often, I use guided meditations. I love to use the guided mediations by Orin and Daben. These are wonderful!
If I am sick or not feeling well physically, I use my own Guided Meditation for Healing. As I mentioned, combining the Radiac with the Guided Mediation for Healing brings such a powerful healing experience that I can not describe. Try it, please! You will know what I mean. The meditation has beautiful, loving music, filled with loving, peaceful harmonies which I wrote with Loving Healing in my heart, and the words are full of Love, Light, Life, and Healing! My voice will lead you to comfort and healing, with Love. I can not emphasize enough that if you listen to my Healing Meditation WHILE you are on the Radiac, I promise you it will be an amazing, super-deep healing experience every time. It will change you!
How It Works:
The Radiac is a unique appliance that somehow takes the subtle energies of your body and then gives them back to you in a balanced form. Imagine all of the meridians of your body, all of your nerve centers and energy movements that are swirling around your entire body, all at the same time. These energy patterns are a result of Spiritual, Mental, and Physical energies, combining everything from your thoughts to your brain waves, from minerals in your blood stream to nerve impulses.
The radiac somehow collects these energies and then send them back into your body in a more balanced form. I like to compare it to accupuncture. Using the Radiac is like getting a general accupuncture treatment… EVERY DAY!
Instructions for Use.
The Radiac has two leads, a red one and a black one. The first time you use the Radiac, you will put the red lead on the right wrist, and the black lead on the left ankle. The second time, you will rotate and put the red lead on the left wrist, and the black lead on the right ankle. The third time, continue the rotation, and put the red lead on the left ankle, and the black lead on the right wrist. Finally, the fourth time, the red lead will be on the right ankle, and the black lead on the left wrist.
Since this rotation takes four times, you need to keep track of what you did last time. If you use the Radiac every day (which I highly recommend,) then you need to take one week off after using it for 16 days in a row.
Lead placement:
The wrist lead will go over the radial pulse, which is the spot where you check your pulse on your wrist.
The ankle lead goes on the inside of the ankle, just under the bump of your ankle (the Medial Malleolus.)
The Radiac comes with an instruction booklet and pictures. It is very easy to use and takes only a few minutes to set up. Join me and those of us who have felt the amazing benefits of this device, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Radiac has a lifetime guarantee! It is a small investment that will provide decades of upward growth. Invest in your today!
Quotes from the Edgar Cayce Readings about the Radiac.
Please note that Cayce usually called it the “Radio-Active Appliance.” He also sometimes referred to it as “the battery,” and sometimes as the “dry battery” or “dry cell.” We now like to use “Radial Appliance” and “Radiac” so I have put those terms in brackets for your convenience. Enjoy!
The vibratory force as is set by that of the Radio-Active force [of the Radiac] is to equalize and cause perfect coordination in the body. 195-44
The equalization as will be found by using the applicator [of the Radiac] will bring a normal flow of blood to the whole system. This should be used at least one hour each evening. 270-6
What harmless method will induce sleep?
…the Radio-Active appliance [the Radiac] was suggested as a means to create a more perfect equilibrium in the metabolism of the system. 270-31 Use the Radio-Active Appliance [the Radiac] for the keeping of an equal circulation. 295-11
… these produce that in the body itself that will RESUSCITATE and revive same. 1800-28
We would also use those vibrations of the Radio-Active Appliance [the Radiac], which will equalize the circulation to the extremities. 306-1
As we find, the Radio-Active Appliance [the Radiac]- as we have indicated heretofore – if used – would induce sleep. 325-65
How often should battery be used?
Also about every day we would use the Radio-Active Appliance [the Radiac] (and use this during the periods of meditation). Keep the anodes or plates very clean, and put into the ice about twenty minutes before it is attached to the body. Disconnect and let all dry when not in use. 361-8
…GENERAL use, where there is the condition as has to do with a general nerve debilitation, produced by an incoordination in the system; or more PROPERLY … that might, or should, or could, be used UNIVERSALLY for tired conditions, where the whole system has been under strain, see? so that, with the EQUALIZATIONS as are brought about by the change in the vibratory rate of the system – from without and within – are brought to an EQUALIZATION. 1800-16
How long a time?
And this will be, as has been indicated for same, a type of appliance for bringing rest to the weary, rest to those who have been inclined to depend upon sedatives and narcotics for rest; to those who have been under great periods of stress or strain; to those who seek to find an equalizing influence that will assist them in producing a coordination in their physical and mental beings with the spiritual affluence and effect of its activity of spirituality upon the body-physical. 1800-28
For this works with the vibratory influences of the bodily force itself. Hence it is as a magnet. Hence a radio-magnet that applies or supplies from the very vibratory forces of the bodily functionings that as produces a coordination of the activity of the nervous system as related to the actions of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic or vegetative nerve system by its application to the body in the ways and manners that produce to the central nervous system, as they reach the extremities, and influence of a vibration that affects the glandular system in reionizing the body, recharging and revitalizing the body.
“We would find that the use of the Radio-Active Appliance would make for better COORDINATED forces through the extremities” 5640-1
Taking the vibrations of the Radio-Active Appliance each evening, will also aid the body to rest better – will aid the body in digestion – in gaining better control over the nerves of the whole system, whether of the cerebro-spinal, sympathetic, or the sensory or vegetative system. 108-2
Also we would use the low form of electrical forces that may be had through the Radio-Active Appliance – the plain – which makes for an equilibrium in the extremities of the body as related to the central nervous system, and that the body may REST the better in its normal activity. 135-1
Hence that given as is seen in Radio-Active Appliance, that carries properties for the equalization of vibratory forces as set in the physical body, both to the functioning of glands in organs and of ductless glands in the body. 136-66
Well, also should the body use that vibration from the Radio-Active Appliance as has been given for anemic conditions in physical forces. 137-19
Or it may be assisted by the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, equalizing pressure in the nerve system and eliminating this pressure that affects the system through the pineal glands. 143-10
4. This battery [Radio-Active Appliance], we find, will not be necessary to recharge, except by placing in ice each evening, for this charges same, see? 147-25
Then we may BEGIN again with the Radio-Active Appliance [Radiac] forces, to produce the more perfect equilibrium in the body. 147-27
…the application of the Radio-Active Appliance [Radiac] forces, which will give the equalization to the system and rid the system of these catarrhal conditions that disturb the functioning of the system.. 147-28
We would continue the use of the battery – Radio-Active Appliance. 147-36
3. We would use the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer of the circulation. When there are the severe pains in the head, those tendencies for the dizziness, we will find that these vibrations applied or kept on the body – even attached to the extremities – will bring quiet and rest for the body. 162-2
13. The use of the Radio-Active Appliance would RE-IONIZE the system, if this is used of evenings before retiring. Not AFTER retiring, but BEFORE retiring; while the body meditates use the Appliance. Circulate the one anode (the positive; that is, the first attached) about the body; right wrist today, left wrist tomorrow, left ankle the next day, right ankle the next, etc., while the last anode attached (becoming the negative) would be left ankle today, right ankle tomorrow, right wrist the next day, left wrist the next, etc. Keep these anodes clean, very clean. Use for thirty minutes at a period, each evening. Do this for a series of two to three weeks, leave off a week, try again; and we will revivify the whole body; cutting down this toxic force, cutting down the activities of the system.
14. Let GRAPES be a part of the diet EVERY day! 189-4
9. When this has been done, and the body ready for rest, apply those vibrations for equalization of circulation and elimination, those vibrations from the plain Radio-Active Appliance…192-1
Any other recommendations for the body?
11. We would also use, each day, those vibratory forces as may be had from the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, which will make for that polarity in the system of the extremities, in such a way as to prevent for the body that of the tendency of the tingling sensation, or quivery feeling as felt in extremities, especially if the least bit fatigued. 197-1
This may be found in the use of the plain Radio-Active Appliance. Not used always, no; but when tired, when there is seen that the tendency to rest is away, or that of the tendency to be overanxious, overanxious concerning physical, mental, or of material conditions – these will bring TO the body that as is necessary for an EQUALIZATION. 240-1
…those vibrations as would be found in the activity of the Radio-Active Appliance carrying into the system those vibrations that will CREATE for the system the rejuvenation of the impulses through the gray active forces of the nerve impulse itself. 241-1
28. Then at other periods, if necessary twice a day, use the very LOW electrical forces of the body itself, as may be exercised by the use of that called the Radio-Active Appliance. .. used as an equalizer, a stimulator to the general forces of the body as it COORDINATES. 263-13
29. Then if ye are tired, if ye are tempestuous, within yourself, rest and apply the Radio-Active Appliance for twenty minutes of morning, twenty minutes in the afternoon – if necessary. 263-13
3. Also we would gently massage the extremities, and use the Radio-Active Appliance for equalization. 264-52
9. Also we would use the Radio-Active Appliance for keeping a balance; 264-54
10….we would use the Radio-Active Appliance in equalizing the circulation … 274-6
It would be well that the Radio-Active Appliance be used for those disturbances that are indicated in the rash, or the poor circulations that occur in portions of the body. 274-9
12. Then use the Radio-Active Appliance each evening when ready to retire. This is to act as a balancer, or as a booster in the circulation, using the vibrations of the body-forces themselves to keep better eliminations and assimilations through the system; causing better rest and the gaining of more strength from rest, – thus causing the feeling of depletion to be eliminated – with the general corrections in the system. 274-15
12. During such a rest period there should be added such low forms of electrical vibrations as may be had through the Radio-Active Appliance, as to cause rest from the general nerve strain and overcoming those tendencies of inactivity in coordinating forces, also the insomnia that comes at times to disturb the general effectiveness of sleep and rest upon the body.. 285-1
How long should the Radio-Active Appliance be applied each time?
Should the battery Radio-Active Appliance be used at present?
4. the use of the Radio-Active Appliance would prove most helpful and beneficial to the general physical conditions of the body. 302-10
4. Also we find that each evening upon retiring, or just before retiring, as the body rests, it would be well to apply the Radio-Active Appliance to the opposite extremities; for this would quiet the body, making it rest much easier. 303-5
6. We would continue also with the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance, which will make for the abilities to rest more easily – when this is applied more systematically. There has been too often the imperfect contact when this is applied. There should be the polishing more of the anodes, before the application is made to the wrist and the ankle. 306-2
4. Then, we would advise the continued use of the Radio-Active Appliance that makes for the quieting. 310-6
12. We would also use those vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance, that will bring for the body the equalization of the circulation in the body. 321-2
… that vibration found in the Radio-Active Appliance, as gives that vibration for the equilibrium of the system… 321-2
… by the application for the equalization of the body of those vibrations as found in the Radio-Active Appliance… 325-10
What can be done to induce sleep for the body?
(A) Use the Radio-Active Appliance as she rests; not as she is trying to sleep, but as she RESTS before retiring… It’ll put her to sleep! 325-52
17. We would also use, in the REST periods – which should be taken each day – the Radio-Active Appliance, that makes for COORDINATIONS from the distresses in extremities. This will relieve that tendency of cold feet, that tendency of the poor circulation in the extremities, and ALSO make for an easy reaction for the rest of those things given. 326-1
Should she use the Radio battery, too?
2. There is a general breaking up of the system or a weakening to the whole of the vitality of the body; [General debilitation? Geriatrics?] and as we find the greater stimulation may be had with an influence that would reionize as it were the body; that is, the use of the Radio-Active Appliance and specifically massages that may be from a combination of equal parts of Tincture of Myrrh, Olive Oil, and Compound Tincture of Benzoin 326-6
4. At the same time use the Radio-Active Appliance as a distributor of the circulation from that as set up by this counter-irritation and palliative action. 325-7
9. Radio-Active Appliance … This as we find would be most beneficial in keeping the circulation and the abilities for the body to rest, to keep the vibratory forces in a much nearer normal reaction. 326-9
4. Do use the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer, else we will find the pulsation will become too fast for the body. 326-14
6. Keep the Radio-Active Appliance for the body to gain rest and strength. 326-15
7. Use that of the plain Radio-Active Appliance. Best that this be used twice each day, when the body rests of morning or evening, and when the body retires. This should be kept on for at least half an hour at each period, or may be lengthened in the evenings. This, we find, will throw off that of the heaviness, giving the better coordination between the systems and reducing that pressure as is apparent in the blood supply, easing the heart’s action, removing strain and pressure from base of brain, preventing the flooding of the system with the blood supply that becomes slowed up in extremities. 371-1
Would you advise using battery?
13. To create a balance in the circulation, both for the nerve AND blood supply, we would use those vibrations each day of the Radio-Active Appliance, that will make for the balancing throughout the whole system. 369-10
3. Again, as we find, it would be WELL to accord – as a contributory effort in these directions, in keeping the balance – the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance, that may bring the perfect coordination in the extemities as according with and cooperating with the circulatory influences throughout the system. 369-13
10. We should also use the Radio-Active Appliance for creating an equal balance in the extremity circulation, which will prevent the tendency for clamminess at times for the hands and at others cold sensations arising in feet or hands, or extremities. 375-1
For the sleeplessness, after these treatments have been followed for a week to ten days, we would add the use of the plain Radio-Active Appliance – and this will make the body sleep. 421-1
12. And we would use the Radio-Active Appliance to bring an aid in coordinating the mental AND the physical forces of the body; 457-4
4. When the emergencies arise, or those dizzinesses or feelings of swimming in the head, we find that the use of the Radio-Active Appliance would be MOST helpful for keeping a normal equilibrium. 464-19
8. We would also find that there would be material aid to the body with the application of the Radio-Active Appliance, for a creating of a normal balance in the circulation. 472-1
9. It will be found that the Radio-Active Appliance used as an aid to the circulation for the extremities will make the sleep or rest of the body more effective and efficient. 480-18
10. First we would get the Radio-Active Appliance (plain), that would be used to equalize the superficial circulation of the body. 483-1
6. Also following same use the Radio-Active Appliance to equalize the circulation. 185-1
7. There will be found also a natural benefit to the body, as for rest and coordination with the taking of properties in the system, through the Radio-Active Appliance. 505-1
24. After the body has then rested two to three days from this (the Zilatone, etc.), begin with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance to keep a normal equilibrium in sleep and rest. 513-2
6. We will find also that the plain Radio-Active Appliance, used by the body in aiding the vibrations for the circulation to the extremities, will be MOST helpful, most beneficial. 539-4
9. We find it would be well also to use the Radio-Active Appliance, for it would be helpful to the circulatory forces in making for the body’s being able to rest and to overcome this tired condition that is so prevalent at times when there are these disturbances from poor eliminations. 550-8
Can anything be done to produce normal, restful sleep?
… with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance with same, that may aid in not only equalizing the circulatory forces throughout the body (thus quieting in a manner, as it were, those centers in the system and through the activity of the organs themselves)… 587-5
The eye and ear both improved, and the congestion from the disturbance in the circulation of the hepatics is in the state of becoming improved, and the body will vibrate to the higher vibration by the constant use of that appliance [Radio-Active Appliance] as has been given, see? 599-5
15. We would use the vibrations of the Radio-Active Appliance for the keeping of the circulation better. 602-4
What can be done for the insomnia?
14. We would also use the Radio-Active Appliance of the plain type, attached to the body at least one hour each day; though it may be divided into two periods, but this will make for equalizing the circulation and making a balancing of the activities in the system. 680-2
6. Also we would add the vibrations to the body that may be had through the PLAIN Radio-Active Appliance that will equalize the circulation in the extremities and reduce this pressure in the blood supply. 688-1
19. Then we would aid the circulatory system by adding the low form of electrical vibration in the Radio-Active Appliance (plain), that would be attached to the body for thirty minutes to an hour each day; for periods of two to three weeks at a time, with a rest period of two to three days between each. 718-1
6. Then, we would add only the vibrations from the very low form of the electrical forces of the Radio-Active Appliance, that has been indicated for the equalizing of the circulation and for caring for the extremity reaction in the body. 753-1
6. We would also use the Radio-Active Appliance. This will equalize this disturbance through the heart’s activity. 760-22
6. Keep the Radio-Active Appliance. This aids in rest and in equalizing those activities through the nervous systems of the body. 760-23
7. Use the Radio-Active Appliance for assistance in equalizing the vibratory forces through the body, and to make better rest. 760-27
5. The use of the Radio-Active Appliance, if the anodes are kept very clean when put in use, will aid in equalizing the circulation in the extremities of the body, making for a better coordination in the general circulatory forces. 765-4
13. We find that the use of the Radio-Active Appliance would be helpful in keeping the circulation equalized and in making for better rest for the body, enabling the body to sleep better. 774-4
7. Each day as the body rests we would apply the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance, to the opposite extremities, from thirty to sixty minutes. This will make for an equalizing of the circulation. 782-1
13. The use of the Radio-Active Appliance will be most helpful to the body in making for better rest of evening, and making for a more equalized circulation; also in keeping the PULSATIONS throughout the body. 796-2
4. Too, the use of the Radio-Active Appliance will be found helpful; for it will make for periods, when the body rests, of equalizing the circulation at such times, so that the reaction through the system is more near to normal; making for more vitality in the reactions throughout the body and keeping the system near to normal. 805-2
4. We would use periodically the Radio-Active Appliance, that makes for an equalizing of the circulation through the system. Keep the plates on the Appliance cleansed, and attach each evening for thirty minutes to an hour, to make for coordination. 805-3
9. Also each day we would equalize such vibration by the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. This would be to equalize the motivative activity through the nerve forces and blood circulation, 808-1
The body does not feel really rested at any time though receiving eight hours of sleep on the average. What is the cause of this?
3. If there would be those precautions about the diet, not eating too fast, not overburdening the body, keeping the Radio-Active Appliance for equalizing the circulation, making for the eliminations by the use of enemas rather than cathartics, we find that we would make much better conditions for the body; and these would produce better reactions for the system. 816-7
16. We would also have the Radio-Active Appliance that would be attached to the body for those periods of rest, and to make for the better coordinations between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal system and in the circulation to the extremities of the body. 821-1
27. …And if the body were to use for its own physical body the Radio-Active Appliance in the lower force to the extremities, it may keep its body in almost PERFECT accord for many – many – many – many – MANY days. 823-1
28….With the taking of the properties indicated (the Atomidine), and these activities to equalize the circulation (Radio-Active Appliance), we will bring normalcy here. 826-1
Has the Radio-Active Appliance proved beneficial, and how long should its use be continued?
We would add with these the Radio-Active Appliance, that would keep the circulation to the extremities in such ways and measures as to make for perfect rest, and keeping the circulation normal. 839-1
7. As soon as it is practical, or as soon as the body is able to be moved, – there should be the rest AND the use of the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer of the circulation. 843-10
Any particular information that would be helpful during menstrual periods?
8. Use the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer for the nerve system; at least three times each week. Alternate the attachments in the regular manner; that is: 845-5
16. First, during the periods, we would use the Radio-Active Appliance, which will make for a direct reaction through the glands of the adrenal system and the eliminations through the puba bone and puba activity as will make for the relieving of pressures through the organs of the pelvis themselves. 850-1
5. Also we would use the Radio-Active Appliance to the extremities for equalizing of the circulation through the pulsations that arise in same, attaching this to the opposite sides of the body. 852-2
24. We would find that for the helpfulness for the rest of the body at night, it would be well to use the Radio-Active Appliance – which will be MOST beneficial in making the rest much easier. 856-1
The use of the Radio-Active Appliance keeps nearer the normalcy as to weight, if any pressures are removed along the cerebrospinal system. This would be true for most any body, and it would work well with this body. 877-18
Each of these ingredients is to act upon or influence the digestive forces and make for such changes in the assimilating forces that the reactory forces from the plain Radio-Active Appliance may equalize the circulation the better, you see. 878-1
19. After taking the Atomidine internally as medicinal properties in such a manner for ten days, we would begin using the Radio-Active Appliance for creating to the extremities of the system an equalized circulation. 881-1
14. Also we would use the Radio-Active Appliance as the stimulator for removing those tendencies in the nerve forces for restlessness; the tendency to not obtain rest when the body attempts to relax. 893-1
And at times the applications of the Radio-Active Appliance will make for a quieting of the body without the continual using of those influences that have been resorted to at times of sedimentary forces that arise from bromides, narcotics and hypnotics. 899-1
16. We would also use for the body those vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance that will make for an equalization through the circulations from the extremities. 906-2
Why can’t I sleep?
6. Use the Radio-Appliance – Radio-Active Appliance – to make for rest. This for an hour or two hours each day will be most helpful to the body. 920-4
11. Also with same the low electrical vibrations for or of the body itself, through the Radio-Active Appliance, will create a more normalcy and bring about the better coordination of all the glandular forces of the system itself. 920-9.
…During the whole period, however, we would use the Radio-Active Appliance for ASSISTING in COORDINATING the nerve forces as related to the circulatory forces of the body. 940-1
26. For the correction in the circulation, we would use each day the Radio-Active Appliance. 985-1
21. When the osteopathic manipulations are begun, begin also with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, used each day, PREFERABLY just before the body rests of evening. This will quiet the nerve forces, equalizing the circulation, and bring for the body – with the other applications – the near normal conditions. 987-1
When using the Radio-Active Appliance, this creates more and more a normal balance, and if the body falls to sleep while using same it is alright… 987-3
If so, give detail.
10. The vibratory forces for the better circulation, as from the Radio-Active Appliance, will be beneficial, too, in this direction; as quiet and rest from the normal activity will be better for the body in gaining its strength also. 1005-16
What must I do for insomnia?
26. Also we find that the use of the electrically driven vibrator over the cerebrospinal system, especially across the diaphragm area and over the whole of the cerebrospinal system, will relax the body more perfectly; making for an equalizing – with the properties taken internally and the Radio-Active Appliance. 1016-1
25. To aid in this stimulation, for the circulatory forces, we would take the vibrations from the regular Radio-Active Appliance each day, preferably just before the period for rest or sleep, for thirty minutes to an hour…/…Hence they will be materially aided not only by the correcting in the circulation, but by the great aid that will come from the use of the low electrical forces from the Radio-Active Appliance – that will create a balance in the circulation to the extremities. 1019-1
20. Also we would stimulate the normal circulatory force by the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. This will balance the circulatory forces in the nerve energies and blood supply, that will make for the soothing, as it were, of the whole of the nerve force; tending to make the rest more helpful. 1022-1
23. Use each day, preferably as the body rests in the evening, the Radio-Active Appliance for the stimulation of the deeper circulation to the superficial circulation; thus resting the body and making for an equalized activity of that assimilated throughout the body. 1023-1
8. For the insomnia, or the tendency for the restlessness, use the Radio-Active Appliance at least an hour each day, or oftener. 1025-3
34. Also we would use regularly the Radio-Active Appliance to create vibrations in the system as to aid in the resting. 1034-1
1. ALSO we would use the Radio-Active Appliance once or twice a day, or whenever the body feels a bit tired or fagged; either from too great an exertion physically or from WORRY. For this will bring REST to the body by EQUALIZING the circulation. 1040-1
7. The vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance will be found to quiet and ease the body. 1045-7
6. Each day we would use the Radio-Active Appliance to keep a normal balance in the circulation and to reionize as it were the whole of the vibratory forces of the body. 1055-3
32. First, we would use a low electrical force that may be had by the body from the Radio-Active Appliance, that EQUALIZES the circulations from the extremities. 1062-1
9. And when necessary for the use of sedatives to make rest, give same. But if these are withheld, or given earlier in the day, we find that the application of the Radio-Active Appliance would bring rest – if kept on for two hours or longer, if necessary. 1069-2
15. Also we would use the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer for the circulation, or circulatory forces… 1080-1
17. Also we would add every day or two the Radio-Active Appliance for equalizing the superficial circulation…1086-1
…adding those influences that may be had from the use of the Plain Radio-Active Appliance, used each day when the body rests in the afternoon (not night) – this would bring for the body a change in the whole outlook upon life; and making for corrections in many of the disturbing factors that do arise in the mental and physical factors in the bodily functioning. 1099-1
5. Also each day we would use the Radio-Active Appliance for the quieting, and for producing rest in the body. 1108-1
11. Create more of a normal vibration in the body through the use of the low electrical vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance; that would be alternated about the body in the regular routine. These vibrations, we find, would overcome this restlessness, this insomnia, this nervous reaction, and gradually make for improvements in the conditions. Make the attachments each day for thirty minutes or an hour, or twice a day – as the body rests. 1110-1
5. Also the Radio-Active Appliance will aid in this, or the volative vibrations of the body – becoming more equalized in their extremities by those discharges in the opposite poles of the circulatory forces of the body, will make for better rest and more recuperative forces accomplished by that rest. 1110-2
20. Would be well at times, when the body is tired, either mentally or physically, to use the Radio-Active Appliance. This not as a REGULAR thing; only when tired or weary or when there’s been too great an exercise. This will be found to be restful and helpful for the body. 1113-2
17. We would also use the Radio-Active Appliance for producing rest for the body, and to make for an equalization in the impulses and blood flow through the system… 1114-1
18. Also it would be well occasionally, for the rest and for an equalized circulation, that the Radio-Active Appliance be used… 1124-1
9. Each day also we would have the low electrical vibrations that arise from the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, that will keep an even keel in the circulation. 1133-1
10. We would use the Radio-Active Appliance, for the quieting of the nerve forces of the body and to equalize the circulation throughout the system. 1136-1
13. We would also use the Radio-Active Appliance as an EQUALIZER for the extremities of the body in the impulse and in the circulation. 1138-1
15. And begin THEN (when the Caroid and Bile Salts Tablets are first begun) with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance to produce an equalized circulation…1141-1
21. Use the Radio-Active Appliance to equalize the circulation as well as to make for vibrations throughout the system that will aid in creating a normal balance. 1151-2
Thus, as we find, if such vibrations for the body were used as may be applied through the Radio-Active Appliance, we would find that the revivification, the activity of the bodily functions would receive – not from other sources but from within – that ability for the greater coordination in assimilation, in elimination, in distribution of energies through the system. 1152-2
15. Begin also with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance as a quieter for the nerve forces of the body. 1168-1
16. We also find it would be well for periods of a week at a time to use the Radio-Active Appliance each day; it would make for strengthening of the body. 1169-1
8. During the period of study, relax, lie down; and to quiet the body use the Radio-Active Appliance for an hour. 1173-1
To make the body REST or sleep better, the Radio-Active Appliance given each day when the body is prepared for retiring, for an hour, will be most helpful. 1176-1
The Radio-Active Appliance?
15. These as we find may be best adjusted by the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, which makes for a coordination by the vibratory forces of the body; reionizing (which is revitalizing) by the changing of the vibration in the electrical forces of electrical vibrations of the circulatory forces as related to the lymph and the nerve supply, to magnify and to ratify the glandular forces for a more normal activity. The action of the Radio-Active Appliance will be much preferable in the matter of equalizing the proper weight than any character of injections that have been at times indicated, yea at times used, which have proven now to some of the undoing of the body’s better conditions. 1183-2
…and use the Radio-Active Appliance. Use this about an hour each day. It will give the body rest and it will aid in producing a better equilibrium… 1187-14
What causes trouble with eyes and are glasses necessary?
17. After this has been given, let the body rest or be bathed off with a little rub alcohol, and then apply the Radio-Active Appliance to equalize circulation. 1195-2
11. It is well that there be kept the use of the Radio-Active Appliance to make for the toning or attuning of the circulations of the body. 1196-9
11. The Radio-Active Appliance should be used almost constantly; that is, each day. This would be used for a period of an hour each day, so as to make for much better rest and a much better action, a much better circulation. 1203-1
4. Now: As we find, as has been indicated, the use of the Radio-Active Appliance here would bring an EQUALIZATION; provided adjustments are made in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cervical, coordinated with the coccyx end of the spine – for the pineal and its activity with the adrenals and those reactions through the system, as the gonads and their activities – these will crate the better balance and activity for this body. 1206-4
…For he knoweth what each hath need of, even before we ask; but by the attuning of the vital forces of the body by those energizing experiences of the metals in the Radio-Active appliance we attune the Infinite within self to the Infinite without… 1211-2
14. For the insomnia, for the disturbances as produced by the activities from loss of rest, use each evening the Radio-Active Appliance. Apply this for one hour each afternoon or evening. 1229-1
All of these are acted upon by there being produced a normal balance between the upper and lower extremities (through using the Radio-Active Appliance), and through those centers where the nervous systems cross in the ganglia of the cerebrospinal system. 1238-3
15. And about the second day of those, we would begin with the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance, that make for an easy resting – of an evening, just before retiring. 1245-1
22. Also use each evening, just before retiring, the Radio-Active Appliance that makes for the correcting of the vibratory rate of the circulatory system, by equalizing the vibrations in the extremities. 1246-1
Keep the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance at ALL periods save during the time the Atomidine is being taken; preferably when the body is resting, and use for at least an hour. If the body sleeps or needs this for sleep, this taken AS the rest will make for sleep, rest. 1254-1
9. During the periods of rest use the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer to the circulation. 1267-1
25. These will aid in reducing the body, creating an equilibrium in the pressure, in reducing the avoirdupois; as also the attachments to the other extremities – or the Radio-Active Appliance – will make for REST. 1268-1
15. Use the Radio-Active Appliance to create a normal balance between the extremities of the body, and we would find we may remove the causes and bring about near a normal condition for this body 1275-1
3. There might be gained a great deal of help with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance. If it is applied for periods of an hour twice a day, this will create a better superficial circulation, bring better rest and ease for the body, even under those stresses through which it must pass. 1278-5
17. The vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance properly given will make for rest that is both helpful and body, blood and nerve building. 1278-7
18. During the whole period we would have each evening the low vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance, used in the extremities to bring the proper balance of circulation between not only the extremities but from the radial activity of the vibrations produced by the currents of the body itself as are stimulated to activity by the use of the Appliance upon the opposite extremities of the body. This will aid in assisting the stimulations for drainages from head and neck, the vibrations to the whole of the system created by that releasing of tautness in the system through the manipulative measures. 1309-1
5. These are but the outward effect then of such disturbance. This anxiety as thus produced needs then the corrective forces, and the vibrations as we find from the Radio-Active Appliance for the body will be most beneficial. 1315-6
11. During these periods we would find, too, that the low form of electrical vibrations of the bodily functions themselves will materially aid; through the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, making for better coordination in the extremities of the body in the circulatory forces, relieving stress and strain in such a way that the rest in normal sleep will be more helpful to the body. 1317-1
16. We would use each day for one hour, just before retiring of an evening, the Radio-Active Appliance. This as we find will equalize the circulation and tend to make the body able to rest without sediments or sedatives of any kind. 1343-2
12. Use also the Radio-Active Appliance for quieting the body. 1343-3
9. And use the Radio-Active Appliance to equalize the whole circulation. 1348-2
The use of the Radio-Active Appliance will be most helpful in making for the better abilities to rest. This would be applied each day for an hour, for periods of three to four weeks, rest from same a week and then take again. It will produce better equalization through the circulatory forces of the body. 1351-1
19. Use those vibrations of the Radio-Active Appliance to aid the circulation, to make for the bettered conditions throughout the vibratory forces of the body. 1358-1
he Radio-Active Appliance, as we find, would be most helpful in this direction – if kept consistently in proper relationships to the activities of the body. 1364-2
11. Each evening as the body retires for that intro-retrospective – application of the physical being to self add physically those vibrations to the body as come from the Radio-Active Appliance. This will assist the body in gaining a better reaction to the whole physical forces of the body. Not as a curative – but as the effect created in the nerve impulse to react in that created by the introspective treatment as applied to self. Do that. 1381-2
19. For the equalization of the circulation we would use the Radio-Active Appliance, on opposite extremities of the body, each evening just before retiring – for one hour. 1410-1
23. To aid in equalizing the circulation we would use the Radio-Active Appliance. This will prove beneficial in making for the ability not only to rest but to equalize the circulation and keep down those inclinations for localization of circulation in the upper portions of the body. 1411-1
14. The use of the Radio-Active Appliance will strengthen the body as for the circulation and prevent localizations in areas that are affected by the inflammatory conditions. 1419-2
11. Also when the hydrotherapy treatments are being begun, we would begin with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance to make for the balancing of the circulation to produce a better equilibrium through the body; removing those tensenesses and taxations to the superficial circulations of the system. 1420-1
Just what has been effect of the Radio-Active Appliance?
23. Also we would begin immediately with using each day for thirty minutes (not longer for the first thirty days) the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance; that we may create the coordinant vibratory forces of the body to the FUNCTIONING of the bodily forces in the physical activities. 1436-1
23. When we begin with the Osteopathic treatments, we would also begin with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance for creating or bringing about a coordination of the circulatory forces through the system. 1451-1
Should any of the other treatment given in the first Reading be followed now?
23. Just a few days before each menstrual period, and during that period, we would use the Radio-Active Appliance. Attach one anode to the 4th lumbar plexus, the other anode to the pubic bone or center – just above the labium and on the nerve center as to same. This will produce rest, make for an easing of the period as well as an equalizing of the general circulatory forces of the body… 1389-1
28. For one hour each evening when ready to retire we would use the Radio-Active Appliance for the re-ionizing of the body itself and to produce the better vibratory forces throughout the system. 1390-1
4. As we find, while to be sure this is a little slow, if the Radio-Active Appliance would be used – consistently – each evening for thirty to sixty minutes before retiring, this would be more effectual than taking internal medicines. 1398-3
16. Also, after the third or fourth osteopathic treatment, we would begin with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance – for the equalization and a quieting of the nervous system. 1460-1
…This depends upon what has been the activities of the system. Now if we change the vibrations with the electrical forces, as would be from the Radio-Active Appliance, see, there would be an equalization of the blood supply and more rest for the body….1466-2
9. We would find a most EFFECTIVE activity with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance for keeping equalizations in the circulatory forces, for toning or reionizing the system as related to the vibratory forces, the making for the ability of the body to rest and for recuperative forces to be equally balanced throughout the system. 1469-2
25. Each day we would use also the activities of the Radio-Active Appliance, that will enable the body to rest…/…The activity of the Radio-Active Appliance is to reionize or revitalize the circulatory forces disturbed by pressures upon the nervous system, or systems, in the body itself; while the applications of the Cabinet Sweats and Fume Baths with the medications as indicated will so stimulate as to make for bettering of the conditions. 1471-1
Use a Radio-Active Appliance for ATTUNING the body. And during the use of same, whether used daily or at set periods (as may be given in circling the body), use that period as a period of DEEP meditation; gradually raising, through the system, opening the centers of the body for better understanding. 1473-1
23. And after the Fume Baths have been begun, begin using the Radio-Active Appliance as a coordinator for the circulation which will have been so stimulated through the body. 1474-2
28. Then in the mental attitudes, we find that – as the physical conditions are allayed – the occasional use of the Radio-Active Appliance, as the body would go to rest, or as the body rests during the evening before retiring, would make for an equalization of nerve energies; by the applying of same to the pulsations or vibratory centers in the extremities – opposite extremities. 1481-1
16. And to keep rest for the body, when the other treatments are not given or taken – or of evening – we would use the Radio-Active Appliance, that will make for the creating in the vibratory forces of the bodily function a coordination between the nerve systems of the body…. 1488-1
39. After the manipulations osteopathically are begun, we would use the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance AS an aid to the body in its resting from the nerve strain or from an extra amount of activity. 1498-1
Edgar Cayce Research IV
18. THEN, this will have so relaxed this area that the manipulations osteopathically, gently given at first, and GRADUALLY increased, will – with the use of the Radio-Active Appliance AND the violet ray applied – bring to the system the perfect or near perfectly normal coordination in the areas that have been so disturbed, that bring the disturbing influences to the mental and physical forces of the body. 1526-1
5. The use of the Radio-Active Appliance also in the body and for the body is most beneficial, for this keeps a better coordinant activity in the general reflexes of the nerve forces. 1540-7
19. Use the Radio-Active Appliance for the equalizing of the pressures through the circulatory forces. 1541-1
Do you refer to the Wet Cell Appliance?
9. First, there must be the producing of an equilibrium throughout the activities of the system itself. Hence we would use the Radio-Active Appliance as a part of those things that would be most beneficial in making rest for the body, in quieting the nerve reactions, and aiding throughout the whole in producing a better equilibrium in the extremities of the body. 1612-2
6. We would cleanse the plates of the Appliance and use this consistently at least once each day. In the evening or afternoon as the body rests use the Radio-Active Appliance to equalize the circulatory forces through the system. 1612-3
29. Each day when ready to retire, use for at least thirty minutes to on hour, the Radio-Active Appliance – which will equalize the low electrical vibratory forces of the body… 1636-1
27. Also we would begin using, during these same periods, the influence or the effect from creating the vibratory forces within the bodily functions through the Radio-Active Appliance; which functions with the impulses of the nerve forces themselves, creating that equilibrium between the extremities so that the impulses for the central nervous system and the superficial circulation – as created by the activity of the impulses – may become more coordinant. 1646-1
16. Also it would be well for the body to use the Radio-Active Appliance to bring rest, or when there is the inclination for the nerve forces to react or to bring about the disturbance or pressures in the headaches. It would not be necessary to use the Appliance each day, but when there is the inclination for pains through the head – or the quickened circulation – make the attachments. And for this body we find that it would be well most of the time to make the attachments to the right wrist and left ankle; the first plate attached to the right wrist, the last to the left ankle. Such attachments will make the better conditions for this body, owing to the very nature and character of the pressures created in the system. Attach for thirty minutes to an hour. 1651-1
19. And during the rest period from all the treatments, during the week or ten days, we would use the Radio-Active Appliance to make for the vibratory changes, or coordination and equalization of the system during such periods. 1666-1
18. And also along with these, or during the same periods, we would use the vibratory forces as may be had from the Radio-Active Appliance; to equalize the flows of the blood supply and impulses to the extremities of the body 1684-1
25. Also we would use along with same the Radio-Active Appliance as an equalizer for the impulses in the system. 1687-1
23. If there is something needed for rest, use the Radio-Active Appliance – and you’ll go to sleep, and it’ll be real sleep! 1695-2
17. Twice each day, for thirty minutes at each period, we would use the Radio-Active Appliance to make for better coordination through the extremities of the system; allowing the activity in the air, the sea, the sand, the sun, to make the necessary effect of the violet and ultra-violet ray upon the system as related to the superficial circulation. The Radio-Active Appliance acts upon the deep circulation, thus bringing better coordination. Each time it is used for thirty minutes, morning and evening, let the attachments be latched or attached to the body in this manner: 1696-1
14. Then, with the vibrations of that found in the Radio-Active Appliance, would keep – until there were some OTHER reactions – the body normal. 1732-1
15. It would be well also to add, for the corrective measures of the nerves’ vibration, those of the plain Radio-Active Appliance. THIS, however, would BEST be given when the body rests during the day, rather than of evening or night – for we should not allow the body to become dependent upon exterior forces for its normal rest. 1739-1
17. We find that the use also of the Radio-Active Appliance would be MOST beneficial, in creating a normal balance between the extremities of the body and in producing and aiding in bringing about a balance in the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nervous system. This, too, would be begun after at least the first week of the adjustments. It will make better rest, more quieting for the body. When it is used, for thirty minutes to an hour each day, in relays or periods of two to three weeks and leaving off for an equal period, such periods would be used for the real meditation and prayer. It will be found to aid the body in EVERY direction. 1765-1
6. We find that the use of the Radio-Active Appliance would be MOST helpful to give the rest that is needed, and equalize the impulses more in the extremities of the body; thus eliminating the tendencies for contraction of the muscular forces in the limbs, and aiding in the general equalization… 1767-3
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