Seated Yoga Guidelines
Remember toilet yoga can be done anytime you are sitting down, whether on the couch or in a chair, or especially when traveling in a car, bus, or airplane.
Be gentle on your body! Start slowly and gently, and stop if it hurts. It should feel like a good, soft stretch. Being consistent breeds flexibility and results. Pushing yourself too hard only brings injuries!
Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Falling off the toilet and hitting your head can be life-threatening, so if you think you can’t do the pose or you might lose your balance, please don’t try the pose, or ask for help from a friend that doesn’t mind the smell.
There is nothing- NOTHING- like a smooth, satisfying and plop-ful poopy that takes no pushing and no ridiculous yoga poses on the toilet! (That does NOT include Toilet Yoga- watch it!)
When that happens, I like to declare, Victory!
Here I present to you the Victory pose!
This pose looks simple, but I’m telling you, it is a great exercise that helps with your shoulder strength, your posture, your upper back strength, opens the lungs, helps your breathing, helps your bowel movements, and stretches open the diaphragm, a super important muscle in your belly.
Toilet Yoga: Victory!
- Sit on the toilet. Or in a chair, preferably in public. LET THEM LAUGH!
- Breathe in deeply and reach your hands high up in the air, in the victory position. Your arms should form a V shape.
- Try doing the climbing motion with your hands, reaching as high as you can toward the sky.
- Breathe in and out 3 times, deeply and slowly.
- Take a break for a few seconds, and do it again.
Simple, yes. Effective, yes. Do it, YES.
Cheers to the small victories in life, like being able to breathe and to pee and poop on our own. (We are truly blessed.)
Dr. Moses.
P.S. Alright! It may seem silly, but toilet yoga really works! Just do 1 pose for 1 minute every time you sit on the toilet. The easiest one or the one you like the most. You’re sitting there anyway! 😉
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