on August 12, 2014in Toilet Yoga, Yogatags: breathing, deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, easy yoga, easy yoga breathing, easy yoga exercises, proper breathing, proper yoga breathing, simple yoga, simple yoga for beginners, toilet yoga, yoga breathing
Seated Yoga Guidelines
Remember toilet yoga can be done anytime you are sitting down, whether on the couch or in a chair, or especially when traveling in a car, bus, or airplane.
Be gentle on your body! Start slowly and gently, and stop if it hurts. It should feel like a good, soft stretch. Being consistent breeds flexibility and results. Pushing yourself too hard only brings injuries!
Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Falling off the toilet and hitting your head can be life-threatening, so if you think you can’t do the pose or you might lose your balance, please don’t try the pose, or ask for help from a friend that doesn’t mind the smell.
I know, “Toilet Yoga,” you think this is some kind of big joke, ha? WELL IT’S NOT! It’s very very important. Here’s why.
You see, we spend ⅓ of our lives on the toilet. That’s like 30 years! (that might not be right.) The point is, might as well make that time productive! So spend one minute doing a nice little stretch, and walla! killed 2 turds with 1 stone.
The first Toilet Yoga exercise that everyone needs to know is also the most important. It’s an exercise you can take with you wherever you go. Like when you go to the store. Or the bathroom. Or the backyard. Whatever.
Toilet Yoga: Lesson 1, the first and most important of them all:
Proper BREATHING! (proper breathing in general)
When you go to the bathroom, don’t forget to breathe! Or else you might pass out pushing!
- Always breathe in and out through the nose.
- Breathe deeply and slowly. See if you can bring the air deep, deep, deep down into your lungs, expanding your belly. Try putting one hand on your chest, and one hand on your belly. See if you can focus the air movement on your belly hand.
- Spend 5 seconds to inhale, and 5 seconds to exhale. This takes practice!
- This is proper breathing in general, not just for when you are on the toilet!
Benefits of Proper Breathing
Work those stomach muscles! The deeper you breathe, the more circulation you get to your abdominal organs like your liver, kidneys and colon.
- You get more blood flow to your abdominal organs.
- More oxygen to your abdomen, liver, kidneys, spleen and intestines.
- More oxygen to your whole body, including your brain.
- You get that colon and small intestine squeezing and dancing, leading to better bowel movements.
- And more! So do it, it’s good and it works. 🙂
Again, this is your most important Toilet Yoga move, so do it! And practice all the time.
Cheers to kids in diapers pushing to poop,
Dr. Moses.
P.S. Alright! It may seem silly, but toilet yoga really works! Just do 1 pose for 1 minute every time you sit on the toilet. The easiest one or the one you like the most. You’re sitting there anyway! 😉
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