on August 13, 2014in Yogatags: best easy yoga, easy yoga, evening yoga, morning yoga, seated yoga series, simple yoga
Yoga Guidelines
Remember, do your yoga anywhere, anytime. Be bold!
Be gentle on your body! Start slowly and gently, and stop if it hurts. It should feel like a good, soft stretch. Being consistent breeds flexibility and results. Pushing yourself too hard only brings injuries!
Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
I do this seated series every morning. I love it for my upper back and hips.
If you follow these instructions, with 3 deep breaths for each position, it will take you less than 5 minutes.
This series does wonders for my hips, lower back, and upper back. I especially dig deep into the twists to help relieve the pressure in my thoracic spine (upper back).
The twists also help to squeeze out the abdomen, cleansing and bringing more blood flow to all of the abdominal organs- liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, intestines, colon and uterus in females.
I really love this series of stretches, so that’s why I decided to share it with you.
Dr. Moses’ Yoga: Seated Series
- Sit down on the carpet or yoga mat, cross legged. If you can, let your entire right leg lay on top of your left leg (half lotus pose). If you can’t, don’t worry about it, just sit indian style (criss-cross applesauce.)
- Start by dropping your head toward your top knee. Wrap your hands or arms around your knee, or reach out with them away from your body. Just be comfortable and gentle with yourself. Don’t force it. Breathe deeply and enjoy the stretch for 3 deep breaths.
- Do the same thing toward the other knee. 3 deep breaths.
- Now drop your head and chest forward, straight ahead. Reach forward with your arms and hands. 3 deep breaths.
- Now place your hands behind you and lift your head and chest toward the ceiling. Imagine a rope pulling your forehead and chest toward the sky. 3 deep breaths.
- Next, twist. Reach one hand behind you, and the other hand goes across the opposite knee. Inhale and lengthen the spine. Exhale and move deeper into the twist. Do this for 3 breaths.
- Repeat, twisting the other direction.
- Switch your legs, and do the series again.
This is an awesome beginners yoga series that has helped me tremendously. Enjoy it!
Dr. Moses.
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