on August 12, 2014in Exercise, Toilet Yoga, Yogatags: easy yoga, posture, seated yoga, simple yoga, spinal stretch, stretches for posture, yoga, yoga for back pain
Seated Yoga Guidelines
Remember toilet yoga can be done anytime you are sitting down, whether on the couch or in a chair, or especially when traveling in a car, bus, or airplane.
Be gentle on your body! Start slowly and gently, and stop if it hurts. It should feel like a good, soft stretch. Being consistent breeds flexibility and results. Pushing yourself too hard only brings injuries!
Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Falling off the toilet and hitting your head can be life-threatening, so if you think you can’t do the pose or you might lose your balance, please don’t try the pose, or ask for help from a friend that doesn’t mind the smell.
Does pooping a dumpster improve your posture? It does if you do this Toilet Yoga exercise!
This is my single favorite exercise for posture. It’s really phenomenal.
You can do this sitting on the toilet, or standing in the bathroom. Or standing anywhere else! 🙂
This is the single best exercise for posture.
The great news is that it’s very easy to do, so your posture will improve naturally without you trying to force yourself into it.
Toilet Yoga: The Best Exercise For Posture
- Sit on the toilet while you are dumping. (or peeing if you are a female.)
- Reach your arms widely out to the sides, like a bird or an airplane. Inhale deeply.
- Bring the hands together like you are saying a prayer. Say a prayer. If you want. Exhale fully.
- Inhale deeply while you touch your shoulders, reaching your elbows toward the ceiling. Then reach your hands up toward the bathroom ceiling as high as you can.
- This part is key- you need to reach up high and back a bit. Don’t lean backward; what you want to do is to reach back with your hands, using your shoulder muscles. At the same time, reach your forehead, nose, and chest toward the ceiling, as if there was a rope pulling you upward.
- This will raise your chest and create back-bending (extension) in the upper back (upper thoracic spine.)
- This part is key- you need to reach up high and back a bit. Don’t lean backward; what you want to do is to reach back with your hands, using your shoulder muscles. At the same time, reach your forehead, nose, and chest toward the ceiling, as if there was a rope pulling you upward.
- Exhale fully as you bring your arms down from the sides, flapping your big beautiful condor wings.
- Repeat this movement 3 times.
If you are doing this awesome movement while standing (remember, this is the best single exercise for improving your posture simply and naturally), the only thing I would add is that when you finish, instead of bringing your arms by your sides, I would swan dive down for a “standing-forward-bend”. This is where you just bend forward and “touch your toes.” Knees can be straight or slightly bent. Relax for a moment and feel the stretch in your legs, thighs, low back, and upper back and shoulder blades. Then slowly roll up to your neutral standing position.
I do this stretch, usually standing 😉 , almost daily, just 3 to 5 times, to loosen up my shoulders and upper back. It works wonders!
Cheers to soft bowel movements and great posture,
Dr. Moses.
P.S. Alright! It may seem silly, but toilet yoga really works! Just do 1 pose for 1 minute every time you sit on the toilet. The easiest one or the one you like the most. You’re sitting there anyway! 😉
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