on August 12, 2014in Toilet Yoga, Yogatags: low back pain, lower back pain, lower back stretches, lumbago, stretch my lower back, yoga for lower back pain
Seated Yoga Guidelines
Remember toilet yoga can be done anytime you are sitting down, whether on the couch or in a chair, or especially when traveling in a car, bus, or airplane.
Be gentle on your body! Start slowly and gently, and stop if it hurts. It should feel like a good, soft stretch. Being consistent breeds flexibility and results. Pushing yourself too hard only brings injuries!
Always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Falling off the toilet and hitting your head can be life-threatening, so if you think you can’t do the pose or you might lose your balance, please don’t try the pose, or ask for help from a friend that doesn’t mind the smell.
I know it sounds silly,
but I try to make the most of every moment in my life, including toilet time! I usually read a couple of pages out of a good book (I use the Kindle application on my iPhone), or I do a few minutes of stretching I call Toilet Yoga! So here’s one.
Toilet Yoga: Upsees & Downsees
Upsees and Downsees is a great exercise to stretch out and strengthen the lower back (lumbar spine.) If you suffer from low back pain, be sure and practice this for one minute while emptying your bowels.
Remember, your lower back sends out nerves to your bowels and sex organs, so it’s not just about your spine or back pain- this is about your health!
Cheers to a smooth move!
- Start out sitting on the toilet with your legs comfortably apart, as if you were sitting in a chair.
- Reach your arms out to the side, and reach your hands up in the air as high as you possibly can. I want you to lean back against the toilet cover and push your lower back forward, so that you get some back-bending (extension) in your lower back (lumbar spine). Relax your head and neck.
- Now fall forward and collapse your body over your knees. Let your arms hang down, maybe touching the floor if you’re flexible enough. With your arms hanging in-between your legs, try squeezing your knees slightly, pushing your arms closer together, and feel that nice stretch in your upper back (thoracic spine) in-between your shoulder blades.
- Try pulling very gently by wrapping your arms inside or outside your legs, or even stepping on your hands. Have fun with it! This is Toilet Yoga for Christ’s sake!
- To come back up, press your hands to your knees to take the strain off of your lower back.
- Try taking three deep breaths in each position.
- For this exercise, you can also try inhaling deeply as you reach up, and then exhaling fully when you come down.
- Both breathing techniques work well.
- As you breathe, pay deep attention to your breathing, to your body, and to the stretch.
- Do it!
- Stretch and strengthen your lower back (lumbar spine), relieving low back pain.
- Let the nerves that come out of your lower back DO THEIR JOB bringing the nerve and blood circulation to your lower bowels, your kidneys/adrenals, your sex organs and your hormone centers.
Dr. Moses
P.S. Alright! It may seem silly, but toilet yoga really works! Just do 1 pose for 1 minute every time you sit on the toilet. The easiest one or the one you like the most. You’re sitting there anyway! 😉
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